The Type Command
The ‘type’ command in Dos simply displays the contents of a text file or files. To see the content of a file simply enter the following in the command prompt:C:>type “filename”
The Find Command
The ‘find’ command in Dos can be used to search for a text string in a file or files. below is the usage and optional parameters of the ‘find’ command.
FIND [/V] [/C] [/N] [/I] [/OFF[LINE]] "string" [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]
/V Displays all lines NOT containing the specified string.
/C Displays only the count of lines containing the string.
/N Displays line numbers with the displayed lines.
/I Ignores the case of characters when searching for the string.
/OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
"string" Specifies the text string to find.
Specifies a file or files to search.
If a path is not specified, FIND searches the text typed at the prompt or piped from another command.
Find Command Usage Examples
To find any text occurrence in all the files within a directory simply enter the following at the command prompt.C:>find “text to find” *
D:\Project Material\find command example>find "text-align" *
<p style="text-align: center;"><!-- wp_ad_camp_1 --></p>
---------- CFORMS.PHP
echo '<p style="text-align: left;"><label for="cforms-title'.$no.'">';
---------- ROBOTS.TXT
Use the ‘/n’ parameter to print out the line numbers.
D:\Project Material\find command example>find /n "text-align" *
[1]<p style="text-align: center;"><!-- wp_ad_camp_1 --></p>
[3]Test line with the text text-align
[6]Another line with the desired text text-align
---------- CFORMS.PHP
[2269] echo '<p style="text-align: left;"><label for="cforms-title'.$no.'">';
---------- ROBOTS.TXT
You can use ‘type’ and then pipe the output to the ‘find’ command:
D:\Project Material\find command example>type robots.txt | find /n "Disallow: /iw/"
[37]Disallow: /iw/
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